Juneja Eye Hospital
An ISO Certified Eye Hospital in Bilaspur

Welcome to the Juneja Superspeciality Eye Hospital

Juneja Superspeciality eye hospital is a state of art super specility eye care centre located at Bilaspur, C.G. Ever since its inception, the centre has provided advance & latest ophthalmic services to the people of Bilaspur and neighbouring places.

Its mission is to eradicate blindness by providing the highest quality, preventable and curable facilities of the ophthalmic world. Juneja Superspeciality eye hospital was established in Nov 2018, in Bilaspur by Dr. Rakesh Junjeja and Dr. Sonal Juneja In fond memory of late Shri Madan Lal Juneja. And since then, it has been serving the people of Bilaspur and nearby places.

It is the foremost well equipped ophthalmic center of this region, providing modern equipment based world class eye care facilities in low cost. Therefore the best and super-specialist eye doctors for management of eye problems. Juneja Superspeciality eye hospital consistently endears to serve the general public.

Best Medical Care

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Modern Diagnostic

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10 Years Of Experience in Eye Speciality
Years Of Experience
Services & Treatments
Our Services

Service we provide

Neuro Surgery
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Dental Surgery
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Plastic Surgery
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Heart Surgery
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Why Choose Us

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We will give you a complete account of the system and expound is theen teachings of the great explorer of the truth the master builder of human happiness no because it is pleasure.

We will give you a complete account of the system and expound is theen teachings of the great explorer of the truth the master builder of human happiness no because it is pleasure.

We will give you a complete account of the system and expound is theen teachings of the great explorer of the truth the master builder of human happiness no because it is pleasure.
Get In Touch

Best Medical & Health Care Near Your City

We’ve 25 Years of experience in Medical Services.

Meet Our Team

Our Experts Doctors

Dr. Rakesh Juneja

Retina, Uvea, Eye Surgeon & Neuro-ophthalmologist

Dr. Rakesh Juneja

Retina, Uvea, Eye Surgeon & Neuro-ophthalmologist

Dr. Sonal Juneja

Cataract, Cornea & Refractive Surgeon